“I Am” – A Poem by a 10-Year-Old Boy

Mast. 10 had to write a poem for his Language Arts assignment today based on the following model:

I Am Poem

To understand the mindset of this boy better, read this post first.

I told him not to stress over the assignment too much. ‘Just write down the first thing that comes to your mind,’ I said. ‘That is usually the best and most honest.’

This is what he came up with (I’ve copied it out exactly as he wrote it):

I am a boy who likes dinner.
I wonder what dinner will taste like.
I hear all the songbirds of the world singing at the same time.
I see a crowded sky, full of birds.
I want to see the world.
I am a boy who likes dinner.

I pretend that I am rich.
I feel Bad that I can’t shrink at will.
I touch the air.
I worry about hungry children.
I feel sad that there are so many.
I am a boy who likes dinner.

I understand food isn’t distributed evenly.
I say ‘let there be food for evryone.’
I dream of a world where evryonone has food.
I try to do my best at sports.
I hope that people will not have malnutrition.
I am a boy who likes dinner.


About yewnique

I am a Malaysian-born woman who is married to an Australian and now live in Melbourne, Australia. I am a mother to four children. I home school. I like reading, writing, and cooking -- not necessarily in that order. I care about grammar and spelling, but am nonchalant about the Oxford Comma. I try to follow Christ's teachings.

Posted on Tuesday, January 8th, 2013, in Fun, Humour, Language, Life, Parenting, Writing. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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